Saturday, 14 May 2016

When Arjuna refused to fight, Krishna gave him good advice

When Arjuna refused to fight, Krishna gave him good advice. Enlightening him upon where his duty lay. Its essence was active conquest of evil and not passive resistance to it. Arjuna was a different person altogether after he had tasted this spiritual Elixir. It cured not only his weakness but revived his spirits. This marvelous advice is Bhagvad Geeta, which gives in a nut shell, the essence of the vast and deep learning enshrined in the scriptures.

The advice was obviously given by Krishna to Arjuna in a battle-field. But it is not in any sense narrow in its scope. It is a universal guide, meant for the entire humanity, in all climes, for all times, irrespective of age, sex caste and creed. It was applicable in the age of Puranas, i.e. Dwapar Yuga in Bharat varsha in the case of Arjuna at he Kurukshetra war . It is equally applicable in the Kali Yuga, in any place on the globe, now and for ever, to every individual young or old, man or women.

We are the dual personality of good and bad. We must conquer the evil and cultivate good in us. Strave the Demon and feed the God. How? For instance, if you are angry and want to smash the nose and break the chin of your friend, you may raise your hand ….but…pause a moment……and remember what Geeta says..make a rapid review of Geeta and then proceed. You shall find it easier and wiser to smash his entire being more effectively and with less effort and procure him as a slave till death, by shaking hand with him. Patience ,forgiveness,friendship that is what geeta teaches us.So don’t do anything rashly in haste. Then you may come to suffer and regret. Always see wheather Geeta offers any solution. Follow Geeta-instructions.

The duty of Arjuna, a Kshatriya prince is to conquer his enemies. The duty of students is to study, acquire pure, faultless learning. The duty of a cobbler is to mend shoes well: and of a butcher to supply meat to the needy. Well, Geeta teaches us to discharge our duties, to put our whole heart into them, regardless of outcome. Evidently then there would be no such word as “failure” in our life.

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